UPDATED with v1.6, November 30 2014
This is the latest version (1.5 - June 2014) of the AQuA Testing Criteria for Android applications against which Android apps needs to be tested to be eligable for inclusion of their details within the Quality App Directory. Please see full details of the Directory by going to the site at www.qualityappdirectory.org
This new version includes the following changes:
New test: 4.6 Effects of daylight savings time change
New test: 4.7 Effects of timezone change while travelling
Amended test: 12.2 Installation of unwanted features or concealed add-ons
Amended test: 19.1 Misrepresentation of app, developer or publisher
Sets of AQuA Testing Criteria are for guidance only and have not been authorised, sponsored, or otherwise approved by the proprietary platform (unless otherwise specified). Passing does not constitute any commitment or guarantee of acceptance to any application distribution channel. Sets of Testing Criteria are developed by the App Quality Alliance (AQuA) and are separate and distinct criteria from any criteria that a proprietary platform may have. AQuA makes no claims or warranties for AQuA’s testing criteria.
Also, see the summary of these tests in a spreadsheet.